How To Use Radical Intimacy To Convert More Prospects Into Buyers

Most people can convert 5% to 10% of their prospects into customers or clients fairly easily. The hard part is turning the rest of the unconverted leads we’ve paid a fortune for into buyers.

The solution is NOT to just keep pounding them with offers and hoping for the best.

The secret is to develop a deep understanding of their individual needs and then offer them the EXACT, personalised solution or outcome they are happy to pay handsomely for.

Most of the time this does not mean changing your product or service in any way. It just means we use radical intimacy to tailor your current offers to perfectly suit each prospects needs.

And it also allows us to charge much higher prices with less resistance than offering a one-size-fits-all solution…again, usually WITHOUT changing the deliverables of your product or service in any way.

How Does Radical Intimacy Work?

Here’s the process in a nutshell:

  • We reach out to your database with a very specific offer angle and invite them to raise their hands if they are interested
  • We then have an intimate conversation with those who raise their hands over email or DM (no phone calls) to uncover their specific ‘Present Pain’ points. We then use what they tell us and either qualify or disqualify them as ideal prospects for our offer
  • For qualified prospects, we personalise the offer specifically for them (without changing your deliverables) to make it a ‘Hell Yes’ decision they find difficult to turn down
  • For people who aren’t ideal prospects for our offer, we may direct them to another offer, or close the fine on them for now depending on how our conversation goes
  • We continue inviting people to raise their hands using different angles based on what we learn from our previous conversations. This is how we can often convert 30% of an entire audience over time…

So if this sounds interesting and you have a bunch of prospects who:

  • Are costing you money just sitting on your email list, including dormant, un-engaged and low engagement subscribers, or who are not opening many of your messages
  • Are ignoring you in a Facebook Group, LinkedIn Group, a Skool Community, or on any other online platform
  • Have given you their home or mailing address so we can send them offers by Direct Mail
  • Or are anywhere you can easily contact them to make an offer…

…then we should get to know each other, because over time I can probably help you turn a higher percentage of those people into buyers.

There’s no up-front or ongoing cost to you, and I only get paid after you get paid.

If you’re interested or even just a little curious, feel free to DM me at or email me at

I’m looking forward to talking with you in the near future.

Warm regards,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. While I’d love to help everybody, I can only work with a small number of new clients each month, so even if you’re just curious about whether this opportunity is for you, get in touch by DM at or email me at